Posts filed under: Horror Reviews

Intruder (1989)

There's a killer deal at the grocery store,. They just can't stop slashing the prices....

Fatal Frame III: The Tormented

A bad dream, a ghostly manor, and a sweet tattoo. What happened to Rei, and why should you care? Find out here!...

Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly

A village with secrets darker than the inky black void itself. Will the heroes get out alive?...

Fatal Frame (Xbox)

Ghastly ghoulish ghosts get gruesomely gotten by garish girl with . . . uh . . . . Gcamera...

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

The granddaddy of "Based on a true story" tropes itself....

Silent Hill 2

Is it still one of the best horror games? Has time removed Silent Hill's charm?...

The Blob (1988)

The ooziest, gooiest, goriest space blob you'll never forget....

The Faculty (1998)

Schools out, kiddos! Don't forget to hydrate....

Rose Red (2002)

A pretty setting spoiled by a meandering plot....

Return of the Living Dead (1985)

Is this the best zombie or the worst? Depends who you ask....